Red Flag Over Bermondsey
Full Ian Flintoff review of first performance of Red Flag over Bermondsey- March 31st 2015

‘This was truly a fantastic performance. I’d like to think with some modesty, that I have the right to say so. I’ve acted onstage for the National Theatre Hamlet (with Daniel Day-Lewis and Judi Dench), also with the RSC, and at the Old Vic for Henry 1Vs, and a lot of telly. Lynn Morris was terrific! A fluent, clear, coherent performance that really knocked me out. And the material, the script, the research, the clarity of the exposition and the urgent relevance of it all to today’s Britain in 2015, really, truly and utterly knocked me out! Congratulations to the power of a hundred! Also, I’ve recently been directing the fantastic Johanne Murdock in Roy Chatfield’s fine play about Shakespeare’s wife-a one-woman show too. It takes a heck of a lot to pull it off, and Lynn (and the production) do-mightily-pull it off (I’d better stop before I run out of eulogies! Just SEE IT, AND SEE IT AGAIN!)
Post It Reviews from Barnstaple Fringe 2015
‘Very powerful and often moving performance that must be seen’
‘Wow! Tears, laughter and I’ve learned something!’
‘This was a superb performance told with passion and flare. Well worth the whole £15 tickets’
‘V well presented-almost inspiring. Active and engaging. I want to know more’
‘Wonderful, Stirring, truly inspiring, beautifully executed. SPLENDID!’
‘Wonderful Drama-‘Ada Salter’ held the room in a tense drama which was powerful and moving’
‘A brilliant one-woman performance. Food for thought. Lovely sound effects too’
‘Wonderful emotional drama-made me cry twice! Amazing Performance’
Barnstaple Fringe Festival Review by George Chapman
‘Red Flag over Bermondsey is a one person narrative which provides the audience with a look into one of the lesser known historical figures: Ada Salter. From the introduction onwards, it was apparent that we, were going to be treated to a very well written and rehearsed theatre piece. We were quickly immersed into the Bermondsey slums and the turbulent changes that were occurring as the insanity of WW1 hit home, as well as the private and intimate moments of Ada’s life, that speak volumes about her character and her personal struggles as a woman with high ambitions.
Now this is generally the point in a review where a few loose threads are tugged upon but honestly there was not a single thing that could have been improved or any area of performance that needed further work. The exposition was executed very well, seamlessly moving from one point in the story to the next, without disrupting the general narrative or the interest that the audience held for Ada Salter.
The props, though used sparingly, were also put to good use in establishing the passage of time and, at one point in the production, were used to show that though Salter was finally being heard, her successes hadn’t changed her ideals. The technical support was also very good with the use of sound effects being important to the immersion of the piece, an aspect that might have spoiled the experience if not been completely in synch. In short, Red Flag over Bermondsey gets a strong recommendation because it does everything right and has exceeded already high expectations.’