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Back Door Parole

(formerly called Lock Down)
our new play for 2021

Ron is an elderly lifer and Kathy is new to prison chaplaincy.  It’s a strange bond they develop but important to both of them. Through the prism of life inside, Kathy is forced to go on a journey of discovery and Ron is her guide.

Back Door Parole explores the hidden plight of the elderly and infirm inside UK’s jails and asks some big questions about how the system is coping with this ever increasing problem. As Ron is fond of saying ‘There is no system. That is the system.’

Back Door Parole is a prison term for those inmates who will never be released from incarceration. Their only way out will be "back door parole" slang for death.

The play explores the complexities of the UK penal system and how this impacts upon both inmates and those who work within it. In particular, it exposes the pressures and stresses caused by the increasing number of elderly men who will see out their days in prison cells.


There is no charge for performance but we welcome donations for organisations working closely with long term prisonners in the UK. We can perform this play in almost any space, (including inside prisons). We are emtirley self sufficent, all we need is a 13 amp electrical supply.
Age range:  17+

Duration:   Approximately 70 minutes

Back Door Parole has been commissioned by Positive Justice Gloucestershire

Enquiries and bookings:-


Mobile: 07791210687

Click here to view our video of Back Door Parol


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Dictionary definitions of a journeyman:

Any experienced competent worker or performer.

A person hired to do work for another, usually for a day at a time.

Any person who has served an apprenticeship

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